Business development

Filling machine Automatic packaging machine
Filling and crimping machine Clean room
Bottle washing Shrink packaging
Our world class technology and quality control capability are not limited to our main products such as ampoules and vials. Building on our reliability and past results through manufacturing medical containers, we are branching into new fields that require similar levels of performance and safety. In brief, the development of assembly processing technology for reagents and diagnostic kits for medical checkups.

In R&D, we have been improving our technology and also developing machines, prompted by needs expressed at meetings with researchers, academics and our customers.

Moreover, taking advantage of our technical know-how accumulated through our production equipment development, we have also entered the market for automated packaging machines and dispensers for medical use. We are actively promoting our business in the whole field of health and medicine.

We are also engaged in the export and import business in collaboration with our affiliate, Central Bussan Co., Ltd., expanding our activities for distribution of various medical products.